With on-site childcare and language supports, the NLI program currently runs 4 classrooms (two Foundations classes, two CLB 1-2 classes) serving over 60 learners and their children.
We are a community-based program with students not only from IRCOM House but also from the larger newcomer community in Winnipeg. Our strong partnerships with IRCOMs other supports and programs, ensures that all our students are given equitable access to the resources and opportunities NLI can provide through our partnerships.
Established in 2007, the program has received support from Neighborhoods Alive, Literacy Partners of Manitoba and the Winnipeg Foundation, with current funding through Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada.
All students in our NLI program are referred through WELARC. IRCOM cannot accept applications from other sources.
Program Details:
The NLI offers 4 Phase I classes based on the Canadian Language Benchmarks and follows Portfolio Based Language Assessment practices.
Our classes provide students with settlement English skills focusing on the following:
School in Canada
Parenting in Canada
The Family
Daily Routines
Shopping & Money
The Home
Canada and its government
Extra Curricular Activities:
In addition to structured class time, the NLI strives to provide enriching extracurricular activities that provide opportunities to practice English in a variety of social settings. For example, classes may go on outings to the following locations:Legislative Building
Manitoba Museum
Winnipeg Harvest
Siloam Mission
In addition, through a partnership with the nurses of Red River College, health fairs are offered on a variety of topics every couple of months.
New students are asked to contact the ENTRY program at 944-0133 to complete an orientation to Winnipeg. The ENTRY program will arrange for an English language assessment with the Winnipeg English Language Assessment and Referral Centre (WELARC) 943-5387. WELARC will refer all eligible students to the NLI.
If you require any further information please contact:
The NLI Program Manager at (204)-306-9872